Cervical Health Awareness Month: HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention!

by Jan 21, 2025Blog, Menstrual Health Education

Gaby Chalela, 3rd year medical student at FSU College of Medicine

Gaby Chalela, Period Pro

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, and we can’t discuss cervical health without talking about the HPV vaccine, also known as the Gardasil vaccine. 

We know this isn’t directly period-related, but understanding the importance of the HPV vaccine is crucial for adolescents and adults alike. It’s time to shine a spotlight on this vaccine and talk about its vital role in saving lives by preventing certain types of cancers- including cervical cancer! 

What is HPV and Why Does it Matter? 

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus that can be passed from one person to another through intimate skin-to-skin contact. It’s so common that most people will get it at some point in their lives. While many HPV infections go away on their own, some can lead to serious health problems, including cervical cancer, which is the fourth most common cancer in women worldwide.

What is the HPV Vaccine? 

The HPV vaccine is a powerful tool used to prevent cancer. The vaccine protects against types of HPV that cause warts and cancer in sensitive areas. For women, this includes the cervix, vagina, and vulva; for men, the penis; and for all genders, the throat and anus. With its broad protection, this vaccine is a must-have for everyone!

Why Should Adolescents Get the HPV Vaccine?

The HPV vaccine works best when given before exposure to the virus, which is why it’s recommended for pre-teens aged 11 to 12. But don’t worry if you missed this window – catch-up vaccines are available up to age 26, and in some cases, even later. 

Starting early is best-up to age 14, only two doses are needed.From ages 15-26, a three-dose series is recommended. Getting vaccinated provides the best protection and ensures a strong immune response in case of future exposure.

How Can You Help Spread Awareness?

You are already doing a great job by becoming educated on all things HPV vaccine! Talk to your friends, family, and classmates about the importance of the HPV vaccine. Encourage them to speak with their healthcare providers to learn more and make.